August 25th,

Julian St. Jox On Condom Rules

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On August 20th, the LA Times broke a story about the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, who announced plans to sue 16 major adult film companies for violation of workplace-safety laws.

(from the article:) The foundation sued Los Angeles County last month alleging that public health officials had failed to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and to enforce laws requiring employers to protect workers against exposure to bodily fluids. The suit was filed after the disclosure that an adult-film performer had tested positive for HIV.

Essentially, the lawsuit is about condoms — and whether the companies in the suit are legally required to allow performers the right to use them while performing in adult films.

Here is Julian St. Jox, a veteran porn performer, weighing in on the issue soon after his colleague Darren James came up positive in January of 2004. Jox himself had been forced to take two months off of performing due to having been “on the list” of performers who had taken part in on-camera sex with female actors who in turn had slept with James (before his exposure to the virus had become known to himself and others).

Jox’s statements are not unpredictable - he advocates for each performer’s right to choose to use condoms during their on-camera scenes - but what’s notable is his clear affection and appreciation for the adult industry as a whole. He truly enjoys the work,  friends, and money he’s made in porn - it’s just that he’d rather not put his health on the line to continue to pursue his living.

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